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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Maddox

♥LOTM♥ #45

Updated: May 28, 2019


Loving this new dress from BlackOpium and just about anything from The Face! One of My favorite make up and eye applier creators. I use the fading via My Genus HUD so keep in mind that You can wear it as vivid as it is on the HUD.




My Body - -Belleza- Freya In World

My Head - Genus - Strong In World

My Skin - Deetalez - Dayana - Nordic In World & Market Place

My Makeup - Alive - Lipsticks palette In World & Market Place

My Hair - Doux - Denise In World & Market Place @ Dubai

My Outfit - BlackOpium - Lyanna In World & Market Place @ Tres Chic



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