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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Maddox

♥LOTM♥ #48


Since going over to Genus, I found it hard to go back to Catwa or even Lelutka. Same with switching to Freya, going back to Maitreya. I do however wear Maitreya when I still want to wear some of My favorite creator's work but never would I have thought putting on Catwa and Maitreya together again would be Me. But here I am and I rather say I am killing it! This skin is very pretty from Spicy, and this Sparrow outfit is hot and sexy! Get check them out!




My Body - Maitreya Lara - In World & Market Place

My Head - Catwa Catya - In World & Market Place

My Skin - Spicy Dollie in Light - In World & Market Place

My Hair - Doe Devilish in Ginger - In World & Market Place

My Outfit - Sparrow Natella - In World & Market Place @ Ebento



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